
Lessons on the Inside: Your Story For God's Glory

Recently, one of our lessons from the inside was the story of Joseph and how God used his story for more.  God used Joseph's story for HIS glory, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  We hope you enjoy this lesson:

Bishop Desmond Tutu is a bishop that lives in South Africa. Decades ago he was appointed by the South African government to bring healing to his nation after decades of civil unrest.  When asked who he wanted on his committee he said, “I want the victims.  I want the victims that were raped, saw their parents killed, and saw their homes be burned to the ground.  But,” he said, “they cannot have stayed victims.  If they serve on my commission, they must be people who have forgiven their oppressors.  These people,” he said, “will be the wounded healers of South Africa.”  

The story of Joseph in the Old Testament follows this same theme. He even says as much in Genesis 50:20, “You (referring to his brothers) intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”  We are not going to read the entire story of Joseph because it covers thirteen chapters in the book of Genesis. But we are going to make note of some high points and low points and what it all means for you.

The life-theme of every major character in Scripture, every leader who follows God is the same: They are participating with God to save many lives. Noah, because of his friendship with God saved his family thus saved a generation. Moses, because of his obedience saved the Israelites from slavery. Esther, saved the Jews in the book of Esther. Jesus, saved us ALL through His sacrifice.  

The story is no different with Joseph:

  • His dad’s favorite son.

  • Able to interpret dreams accurately.

  • Thrown into a pit by his brothers.

  • Sold into slavery by his brothers.

  • Becomes a servant for Potiphar.

  • Earns Potiphar’s trust and becomes the manager of his household. 

  • Gets hit on my Potiphar's wife.

  • Literally, runs away from her.

  • Potiphar puts him in jail for what his wife said about Joseph.

  • Earns the trust of the guards in jail.

  • Gets put in charge of the jail.

  • Interprets the dreams of prisoners.

  • Interprets Pharaoh’s dreams accurately.

  • Gets a high ranking seat with Pharaoh. 

  • His brothers come to him in need (not knowing its him).

  • He eventually gives his brothers what they came for (food).

  • He reveals himself to his brothers and shows them kindness.

  • Finds out his father is dying.

  • Given special privileges by Pharaoh regarding his father’s death.

That’s were we pick up in Genesis 50:14.  Read through verse 21.

Joseph had plenty of opportunities to play the victim card.  But at every negative turn in his story he persevered.  Several times he could have called it quits and stopped excelling and stopped doing his best but he kept pursuing something bigger.  Victor Frankl says this, “When we find a redemptive perspective toward our suffering, it ceases to be suffering.”  

I’m giving you all some stuff to work on if you are interested in turning your story into a redemptive story.  I want to challenge you to think about your past.  All the good and the bad and tag your story with a theme. This probably won’t be done in one day but it may take several days, maybe even weeks but once you figure it out, it could mean a totally different future for you and your family.  

Kaitlin Wernet says, "Nothing in God's will is isolated from the abundance He intends for us."

After this lesson we broke into smaller groups and discussed what the ladies wanted to do once they were released and if they could see God's hand moving even while they were in prison. Like any good teacher when you study the scriptures you want to put yourself in the character's shoes to truly grasp what is happening. The same can be said for these ladies. Put yourself in their shoes: they are away from family, possibly kids, possibly husbands, they are trying to make themselves better. Some even get saved in prison. 

We pray daily they get saved on the inside so when they are released they have the hope of Jesus to get them through the struggles that put them in prison. We want to challenge you to do the same. Pray for these ladies daily on the inside. Pray for those that are so close to making a decision for Christ. Pray for those that have made a decision for Christ but their spouse on the outside has not.

She Who Is Able: Mary & Elizabeth

This Summer I attended a luncheon for Ladies of Grace Ministries and the term, “she who is able,” was mentioned to be a sort of subtitle for this ministry.  I mulled on that the rest of the day.  When I googled, “she who is able,” the verse Luke 1:45 showed up in the search results.  Luke 1:45 says, “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.”

This verse is at the end of the story when Mary visited Elizabeth.  This statement came from Elizabeth. Remember, she was old and supposedly barren…but God had other plans for Elizabeth and her child, just as He did for Mary and the child inside her womb.  Elizabeth would have been one of the ladies in charge of the church tea, she was married to a priest, she was mature in her spiritual walk, and now people were starting to see how great her faith really was.  She must have been such an encouragement to a naive Jewish girl named Mary.  She must have encouraged her because directly following verse 45 is the famed, “Mary’s Song,” where she gives God all the glory and honor for what she is able to do for Him.

Mary and Elizabeth were both able. They were kindred spirits. God made them able to carry two boys that would later fulfill His prophecies. Both of their sons would both die a martyr’s death. The difference in these women is that Elizabeth would not witness her son’s death as Mary did.

Put yourself in Mary’s shoes. She was an eye-witness to her Son’s crucifixion. She was a good Jewish girl, she knew what was said about the Messiah and she was the one chosen to carry Him and bring Him into the world.  She would also be witness to the day when He was beaten and taken from this earth.  She who is able … God made Mary able.

He can make us all able.

He can make us able to get out of bed and live our life after watching a child die.

He can make us able to wake up every three hours for a child that will not sleep.

He can make us able to pray for a child that has gone astray.

He can make us able to pray everyday for a child of our own.

He can make us able to love unconditionally all people who are made in His image.

He can make us able to forgive people who have wronged us.

He can make us able to overcome addictions.

He can make us able to pray and help a child that has an unknown diagnosis but your mother’s intuition knows something is not right.

He can make us able to care for a husband that is sick.

He can make us able to walk another day with a disease that has no cure.

He can make us able to care for parents that once cared for us.

He can make us able but we have to be willing to let Him. Mary allowed God to work through her just like Elizabeth allowed God to work through her. Both of these women gave glory to God for making them able.

Are you giving God glory for making you able? Are you letting God make you able?

Image is art by Corby Eisbacher.

Lessons on the Inside: Manners & Etiquette Part Three

Today what it means to "be a lady" is lost among the sea of messages of what one wears, what one talks about, who she hangs out with or where they dine, vacation, and hang out.  That is hardly accurate at all!

Here are some common misconceptions about being a lady:

  1. A lady has to know all the rules of etiquette.

  2. A lady is boring, she doesn't say what she really thinks.  She's no fun. 

  3. A lady can't be fashionable.  She has to wear clothes that look like they are from the 1800's.

  4. Being a lady means you're old-fashioned and boring.

  5. A lady is so feminine that she doesn't like sports.

  6. A lady is not carefree or free-spirited. 

There is nothing more desirable to a man than a confident woman who holds her head high.  Ladies of Grace believes that self-image should be based on what God's Word says is true of us.  The world says you are worth a certain amount because you look a certain way or can perform a certain way.  God says you are valuable regardless of society's standards.

Remind yourself of the true basis of your personal identity.  Who you are is rooted in Christ and who He has made you to be.  Replay the fact that the most important part of your life is the part that only God sees.  His deepest concern is about the inner you.  True beauty is inner beauty, and it does not diminish but deepens as you grow older and your friendship with Him develops.

Lessons on the Inside: Manners & Etiquette Part Two

When we teach the Manners & Etiquette class on the inside we are typically allowed several hours for the teaching and it's broken up into two main sessions. One of the first principles is to "Start With Your Heart."  Elegance and etiquette typically go hand in hand and it shows in your eyes, your face, your smile, and your speech.

We advocate that the world of an elegant ladies look like this:

  1. Your world is generally a more pleasant place.

  2. Everyone speaks kindly and gently to you because you speak kindly and gently to others.

  3. The more we act like a lady, the more we bring out the gentlemanly side of the men and boys in our lives. 

  4. People will be more relaxed around you and seem to like you more. 

  5. When you feel like a lady, you'll feel more beautiful.

  6. Eventually, you stop feeling like a fake, because you've become a lady from the inside out and you might even develop the courage to graciously stand up for something you believe in, or for someone who has no voice.

  7. You will gain a relaxed sense of confidence, an ease about yourself. You will start to feel more secure with yourself.

  8. Whether by conscious effort or instinct, being a lady helps you be decisive and assured.

  9. Being a lady is about being kind and choosing to believe the best in others and yourself.

You may be reading through these posts and thinking, "Why do women on the inside care about manners?" Well, just because they are on the inside doesn't mean they stop caring about themselves.  Next to offering Bible studies, this is the top request we receive from ladies on the inside.

Our next post will be "Misconceptions of Being a Lady." 

Lessons on the Inside: Manners & Etiquette Part One

Did you know we offer more than Bible studies to our ladies on the inside?  We do.  Occasionally, we offer a manners and etiquette class for the ladies. One of the first things ladies on the inside told our founder was, "I want someone to teach me how to be a lady."  We can do that.

In their class they learn any number of things and we will be devoting the next couple of blog posts to what the ladies learn in this class while they are on the inside. Ideally, this class is broken into a couple of sessions and at the very beginning they discuss what etiquette is and why it's important: Etiquette is not some highfalutin set of behaviors to make us look better, richer, fancier, smarter or better than everyone else. Etiquette helps us build successful relationships. Relationships at home, at work and in the community. You create memories with everyone … if you see yourself as a lady, you will bring great life to everyone with whom you encounter!

We create memories and bring good things to life when we conduct ourselves with elegance as ladies (and gentlemen).

We hope you enjoy this “Lesson on the Inside.”